2024-07-22 2024-07-22 , online online, 1,190 € zzgl. MwSt. Peter Wittner https://forum-institut.de/seminar/24112201-generic-drugs-market-access-and-pricing-in-europe/referenten/24/24_11/24112201-generic-drugs_wittner-peter.jpg Generic Drugs: Market Access and Pricing in Europe

Success in generic drug market access and pricing in Europe - register now!

  • Overview of European generic drug markets - similarities and differences
  • A more detailed look at Germany, France, Italy, Spain and UK
  • Generic tenders
  • Reference pricing
  • Role of parallel imports

Who should attend
This online seminar is intended for specialists and managers in the pharmaceutical industry, in particular for those employees involved in generic drug market access and pricing.
Aims and objectives
Drug market access and pricing are complex matters and require careful preparation. Knowledge of the underlying health systems and the different, mutually influential pricing systems in European countries is essential.

Our online seminar will provide the most essential information for success in generic drug market access and pricing in Europe, namely an overview of the situation in Europe followed by a more detailed look at the individual countries - Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK.
Your benefit

The key takeaways from the online seminar are:

  • Knowledge of the major differences and similarities with regard to generic drug market access in European countries.
  • Insight into key pricing and market access trends in Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK.
  • An overview of cross-country tenders.
  • Practical advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of reference pricing.

Generic Market Access & Pricing

Generic Drugs: Market Access and Pricing in Europe

Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK

  • Overview and practical advice
  • A detailed look at Germany, France, Italy, UK and Spain

Webcode 24112201

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9am - 5pm online seminar
You may dial in 30 minutes in advance

9am - 5pm online seminar
You may dial in 30 minutes in advance



Your contact

Leila Grupp
Conference Manager

+49 6221 500-695


Success in generic drug market access and pricing in Europe - register now!


  • Overview of European generic drug markets - similarities and differences
  • A more detailed look at Germany, France, Italy, Spain and UK
  • Generic tenders
  • Reference pricing
  • Role of parallel imports

Who should attend
This online seminar is intended for specialists and managers in the pharmaceutical industry, in particular for those employees involved in generic drug market access and pricing.

Aims and objectives

Drug market access and pricing are complex matters and require careful preparation. Knowledge of the underlying health systems and the different, mutually influential pricing systems in European countries is essential.

Our online seminar will provide the most essential information for success in generic drug market access and pricing in Europe, namely an overview of the situation in Europe followed by a more detailed look at the individual countries - Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK.

Your benefit

The key takeaways from the online seminar are:

  • Knowledge of the major differences and similarities with regard to generic drug market access in European countries.
  • Insight into key pricing and market access trends in Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK.
  • An overview of cross-country tenders.
  • Practical advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of reference pricing.

Detailed programme

9am - 5pm online seminar
You may dial in 30 minutes in advance

09:00 Introduction


Peter Wittner

Overview of European generics markets
  • Similarities - and differences!
  • EU Generic pricing comparisons
  • Summary of generic policies by country
  • Market share by value and by volume - not the same thing
  • Why the differences?
  • Case study 1 - Italy
  • Case study 2 - UK
  • How low can prices fall? USA examples
  • Reference pricing - internal and external
  • Market leaders
  • Patents
  • European legislation - an overview
  • Parallel imports - where did they come from?

10:30 Coffee break


Raphael Reitmeyer

Germany in Detail
  • Pricing policies role of IQWIG role of health insurances
  • Patient perspective
  • Pharmacist perspective
  • Generic tenders - role of AOK
  • Doctor?s perspective
  • Reference pricing

12:00 Lunch break


Peter Wittner

France in Detail
  • Pricing policies by CEPS
  • Patient perspective
  • Pharmacist perspective
  • Generic tenders
  • Reference pricing


Peter Wittner

Italy in Detail
  • Pricing policies by AIFA
  • Patient perspective
  • Pharmacist perspective
  • Generic tenders
  • Reference pricing

14:45 Coffee break


Peter Wittner

Spain in Detail
  • Pricing policies
  • Patient perspective
  • Pharmacist perspective
  • Generic tenders
  • Reference pricing


Peter Wittner

UK in Detail
  • Pricing policies - Role of CMA
  • Patient perspective
  • Pharmacist perspective
  • Generic tenders
  • Reference pricing
  • Brexit!

17:00 End of seminar

More information

How our online events work

  • Our online events take place live and interactively in the Learning Space. There you will also find all documents, the programme and the list of participants.
  • You can access the Learning Space with your account for the client portal.
  • The free PreMeeting prepares you optimally to clear any technical hurdles in advance.
  • Continuous support during the online event guarantees an optimal training experience.

This distinguishes our events

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