2025-03-12 2025-03-12 , , 1,290 € zzgl. MwSt. Gabriele Eibenstein M.A. https://forum-institut.de/seminar/25042612-regulatory-affairs-and-cmc-conference/referenten/25/25_04/25042612-online-conference-pharma-regulatory-affairs-and-cmc-conference_eibenstein-ma-gabriele.jpg Regulatory Affairs and CMC Conference

The conference will cover recent updates and practical implications of the EU pharmaceutical legislation, management of supply shortages, and the new EU Variation regulation. Additionally, it will address the latest developments in quality guidelines, impurities (with a focus on nitrosamines), and the application of AI in CMC and quality processes.

  • Revision of the EU pharmaceutical legislation
  • Management of supply shortages
  • New EU Variation Regulation
  • Update from the quality working party
  • Impurities with focus on Nitrosamines
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) in CMC/quality

Who should attend
This online conference is ideal for anyone working in the pharmaceutical industry and dealing with regulatory or CMC matters. Professionals in the following departments will benefit particularly:
  • Marketing Authorisation/Regulatory Affairs/CMC
  • Quality Assurance/Quality Control/Analytics
Aims and objectives
Are you working in Regulatory Affairs, CMC, or Quality Assurance? Then don't miss this event.

This conference will address practical questions and provide strategic insights into crucial trends affecting these fields.

Engage in in-depth discussions with our experts and network with your colleagues in the industry.
Your benefit

  • RA and CMC experts from international authorities/organisations share their expertise.
  • You obtain advanced practical information relevant to your work.
  • The conference also addresses issues beyond your immediate area of responsibility.

Online conference pharma - Regulatory Affairs and CMC Conference

Regulatory Affairs and CMC Conference

  • First-hand information from international authorities/organisations
  • Comprehensive insights into EU regulatory and CMC developments
  • Certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 21001 standards

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09:00 - 17:00
You may dial-in 30 minutes in advance

09:00 - 17:00
You may dial-in 30 minutes in advance

Your contact

Jean-Marie Bayhurst
Conference Manager

+49 6221 500-685


The conference will cover recent updates and practical implications of the EU pharmaceutical legislation, management of supply shortages, and the new EU Variation regulation. Additionally, it will address the latest developments in quality guidelines, impurities (with a focus on nitrosamines), and the application of AI in CMC and quality processes.


  • Revision of the EU pharmaceutical legislation
  • Management of supply shortages
  • New EU Variation Regulation
  • Update from the quality working party
  • Impurities with focus on Nitrosamines
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) in CMC/quality

Who should attend
This online conference is ideal for anyone working in the pharmaceutical industry and dealing with regulatory or CMC matters. Professionals in the following departments will benefit particularly:
  • Marketing Authorisation/Regulatory Affairs/CMC
  • Quality Assurance/Quality Control/Analytics

Aims and objectives

Are you working in Regulatory Affairs, CMC, or Quality Assurance? Then don't miss this event.

This conference will address practical questions and provide strategic insights into crucial trends affecting these fields.

Engage in in-depth discussions with our experts and network with your colleagues in the industry.

Your benefit

  • RA and CMC experts from international authorities/organisations share their expertise.
  • You obtain advanced practical information relevant to your work.
  • The conference also addresses issues beyond your immediate area of responsibility.

Detailed programme

09:00 - 17:00
You may dial-in 30 minutes in advance

Welcome and Introduction

Britta Ginnow, M.D.R.A

Update on the revision of the EU pharmaceutical legislation
  • Status of the procedure at the EU level and timeline
  • Brief overview of key changes
  • Changes in environmental risk assessment

Gabriele Eibenstein M.A.

Management of supply shortages
  • Legal tools for managing supply shortages
  • Obligations for pharmaceutical companies
  • European shortages monitoring platform (ESMP)
  • Reporting portal of the German BfArM

Coffee break

Angela Schütz, MA

New EU Variation Regulation
  • Commission delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1701 of 11 March 2024
  • Overview of important changes
  • New Variation guideline?

Lunch break

Dr Blanka Hirschlerová

Update from the quality working party: Current topics
  • Which guidelines, recommendations, etc. are under review

Marcus Savsek

Impurities with focus Nitrosamines
  • Ongoing expectations on Nitrosamines
  • Titandioxide

Coffee break

Dr Cornelia Hunke

AI in Quality Management: A Game-Changer for Pharma and CMC
  • AI as a reflection of the state of the art and society
  • Assessing opportunities and limitations
  • Some legal and regulatory aspects
  • Current applications and future prospects
  • Real-world use cases and practical insights for Pharma and CMC

Final discussion

Conference end


Access information and dial-in

Log in to the customer portal at https://members.forum-institut.de/login with your username (e-mail address) and password. Please ensure that you can access the customer portal prior to the event. On the day of the event, you will kick off your online training in the customer portal by clicking 'Participate' in the respective event.

Required technology

Make sure you are using a current version of your browser. We recommend Microsoft Edge. You need a reliable Internet connection. Please avoid using a VPN connection. Also, please ensure that your microphone or headset and camera are in good working order.

Pre-meeting and technology check

Familiarise yourself with our Learning Space and gain the confidence you need by attending one of our free pre-meetings. No registration is required. You will find all the pre-meeting dates and the access information in your customer account. Pre-meeting meetings give you the opportunity to explore our Learning Space. This is a non-binding offer for all our customers and not a prerequisite for participation. If a pre-meeting date does not suit you but you would still like a technology check, please contact us.

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