2025-03-10 2025-03-10 , , 1,290 € zzgl. MwSt. Angela Hartmann https://forum-institut.de/seminar/25032052-global-pharmacovigilance-inspection-readiness/referenten/25/25_03/25032052-course-global-pharmacovigilance-inspection-readiness_hartmann-angela.jpg Global Pharmacovigilance Inspection Readiness

- Register by 9 March 2025 - Learn how to prepare your pharmacovigilance system in Germany, Europe and worldwide for an upcoming inspection in this one-day online course. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the EMA's Good Pharmacovigilance Practice (GVP/GPvP) modules, strategic and remote planning and preparation, and differences in GVP inspections around the world.

  • Fundamentals: regulations, occurrence, types and aims
  • Strategic planning and preparation for a (remote) GVP inspection
  • Report, findings and follow-up measures
  • Dos and don'ts, and factors of success
  • Differences in inspection strategies between Europe and other areas in the world

Who should attend
This course will be conducted in English.

This online seminar will be of benefit to all those working in the pharmaceutical industry who need a deep understanding of the current global pharmacovigilance inspection strategy in Germany, Europe and worldwide and how to successfully manage (remote) inspections.
Aims and objectives
To ensure that marketing authorisation holders comply with their pharmacovigilance obligations, competent authorities conduct pharmacovigilance inspections at specified intervals. This online course provides an insight into current (remote) pharmacovigilance inspection strategies.

After attending this online seminar you will be able to...
  • plan and prepare for pharmacovigilance inspections according to the different requirements.
  • improve how you deal with findings during and after the inspection.
You are invited to join the moderated discussions on "Differences in inspection strategies between Europe and other parts of the world" and "pros and cons of remote inspections (authorities vs industry)" and to interact directly with the speakers and other participants.
Your benefit

This seminar will equip you to prepare for pharmacovigilance inspections professionally, adhering to legal requirements and best practices. Engage with experts from authorities and industry to discuss your questions and find the answers you need.

After the seminar, you will gain a thorough understanding of current pharmacovigilance inspection strategies and be able to enhance your processes in Germany, Europe and worldwide.

Online course - Global Pharmacovigilance Inspection Readiness

Pharmacovigilance Inspection Readiness

Strategies for successful PV (remote) inspections in Germany, Europe and worldwide

  • Be prepared for a global (remote) GVP inspection
  • Firsthand information from experts
  • Officially certified to the ISO 9001 and ISO 21001 standards

Webcode 25032052

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09:00-17:30 CET
You may dial in 30 min before the session

09:00-17:30 CET
You may dial in 30 min before the session

Your contact

Nadja Wolff
Conference Manager

+49 6221 500-696


- Register by 9 March 2025 - Learn how to prepare your pharmacovigilance system in Germany, Europe and worldwide for an upcoming inspection in this one-day online course. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the EMA's Good Pharmacovigilance Practice (GVP/GPvP) modules, strategic and remote planning and preparation, and differences in GVP inspections around the world.


  • Fundamentals: regulations, occurrence, types and aims
  • Strategic planning and preparation for a (remote) GVP inspection
  • Report, findings and follow-up measures
  • Dos and don'ts, and factors of success
  • Differences in inspection strategies between Europe and other areas in the world

Who should attend
This course will be conducted in English.

This online seminar will be of benefit to all those working in the pharmaceutical industry who need a deep understanding of the current global pharmacovigilance inspection strategy in Germany, Europe and worldwide and how to successfully manage (remote) inspections.

Aims and objectives

To ensure that marketing authorisation holders comply with their pharmacovigilance obligations, competent authorities conduct pharmacovigilance inspections at specified intervals. This online course provides an insight into current (remote) pharmacovigilance inspection strategies.

After attending this online seminar you will be able to...

  • plan and prepare for pharmacovigilance inspections according to the different requirements.
  • improve how you deal with findings during and after the inspection.
You are invited to join the moderated discussions on "Differences in inspection strategies between Europe and other parts of the world" and "pros and cons of remote inspections (authorities vs industry)" and to interact directly with the speakers and other participants.

Your benefit

This seminar will equip you to prepare for pharmacovigilance inspections professionally, adhering to legal requirements and best practices. Engage with experts from authorities and industry to discuss your questions and find the answers you need.

After the seminar, you will gain a thorough understanding of current pharmacovigilance inspection strategies and be able to enhance your processes in Germany, Europe and worldwide.

Detailed programme

09:00-17:30 CET
You may dial in 30 min before the session


Technical warm-up
You are welcome to log in a little earlier to test the audio and camera before the event begins.


FORUM Institut

Welcome and introduction


Dr Kimberley Sherwood

Pharmacovigilance inspections - fundamentals
  • Legal basis
  • Inspection objectives
  • Inspection types
  • Remote inspections - pros and cons


Per-Holger Sanden

Strategic planning and preparation of a GPvP inspection
  • Strategies for GPvP inspection readiness: Long term and short term
  • Long term strategy: Quality management and inspection readiness plan
  • Short term strategy: Logistics, communication and training
  • Preparation of a GPvP inspection
  • Remote inspection
  • Post inspection activities
  • Success factors

10:45 Coffee break


Per-Holger Sanden

Continuation: Strategic planning and preparation of a GPvP inspection


Per-Holger Sanden, Angela Hartmann

How to prepare for inspection pitfalls

12:15 Lunch break


Per-Holger Sanden, Angela Hartmann

Workshop: Inspection Readiness Plan


Dr Kimberley Sherwood

Pharmacovigilance inspections in Germany
  • Communication with the companies
  • Inspection plan and extent
  • Which are the most important documents?
  • Current developments: Inspection questionnaire and remote inspections
  • Frequent findings
  • Possible consequences for companies


Per-Holger Sanden, Angela Hartmann

Differences in inspection strategies between Europe and other areas in the world
  • PV Inspections in Europe
  • PV Inspections in America
  • PV Inspections in Africa and Arab countries
  • PV Inspections in APAC
  • Discussion round

15:45 Coffee break


Angela Hartmann

Inspection and follow-up
  • Main inspection phase
  • Communication strings: Intern and with the inspector
  • Post inspection activities: Report and CAPA Management


All speakers

Remote inspections - lecture and panel discussion


Q&A session

17:30 Seminar ends

Seminar Extras

Competence Check

Are you ready to challenge your pharmacovigilance knowledge? Our interactive quiz offers an engaging and enjoyable way to assess your expertise.
Simply click on the answers you think are correct!

Further information

Tailored Training for Your Company: In-House Seminars

  • Online, on-site, and hybrid formats
  • Available in German and English
  • Customised programmes

    Would you like to cost-efficiently train multiple employees in your company on a pharmacovigilance topic? This seminar is an example of our proven in-house training programmes. Whether you need an existing seminar concept, a specialised topic, or a tailored training for your organisation, we are here to support you!

    I would be delighted to plan your in-house training with you. Please feel free to contact me by phone or email. I look forward to your enquiry!

    Nadja Wolff
    Conference Manager Pharma/Healthcare
    Phone: +49 6221 500-696

  • Technical requirements

    You need a reliable Internet connection to take part in our online events. To have the best possible learning experience, we recommend that you use the latest version of the Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browsers. You will need a headset, loudspeaker or telephone to play the audio. Further information is available here. Please check beforehand that your microphone or headset and camera are working properly. Do not access our services from a VPN since there are issues with the audio over such connections.

    We have integrated Zoom video conferencing software into our Learning Space for our online training courses. If you are not authorised to use Zoom, please get in touch with us so we can make alternative arrangements for you to take part in our online training.

    Access to and procedure for online events

    Once you have registered for an event, we will send you the access information for your customer portal. Click here to log in to the customer portal using your email address and password. Please ensure you can access the customer portal before the day of the event.

    All important or additional information and personal documents are available in your personalised customer portal. This is also where you start your online courses. If you do not have access to the customer portal yet, you can easily register here.

    On the day of the event, you kick off your online training in the customer portal by clicking ‘Participate’ directly in the respective event. You will then be redirected to the Learning Space.

    Learn more about our online events here.

    Pre-meeting and technology check

    Familiarise yourself with our Learning Space and gain the confidence you need by attending one of our free pre-meetings. No registration is required. You will find all the pre-meeting dates and the access information in your customer account. Pre-meeting meetings give you the opportunity to explore our Learning Space. This is a non-binding offer for all our customers and not a prerequisite for participation. If a pre-meeting date does not suit you but you would still like a technology check, please contact us.

    This distinguishes our events

    of 5 stars of all ratings from 2024

    of 5 stars on Trustpilot = good


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    Go forward

    Checklist for Medical Writing in PV

    Necessary PV documents, contents and a medical writing checklist as a short overview.

    Checklist for Medical Writing in PV
    In-house seminars

    Our programmes are also available for in-house training. Just contact us!

    In-house seminars
    We guarantee the highest quality

    We are now officially certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 21001 standard.

    We guarantee the highest quality


    All speakers provided excellent content and explanation of the content.

    Very useful to get an overview of the procedure.

    Good & clear training in pharmacovigilance inspection readiness. Clear and very good speakers.

    Bita Mangin

    Sanofi Aventis Groupe, Paris

    Practical examples related to PV inspection requests.

    Sharing of examples from recent experiences.

    Possibility to hear from other companies about their inspection experiences.