2025-03-28 2025-03-28 , online online, 1,210 € zzgl. MwSt. Dr. Raphael Schoen https://forum-institut.de/seminar/25096054-business-know-how-asia/referenten/25/25_09/25096054-business-know-how-asia_schoen-raphael.jpg Business Know-how Asia

In this hands-on seminar, you will discover the unique working methods and communication styles of Asian cultures to improve your intercultural skills and build stronger connections with your Asian business partners!

  • Understanding Asia: Values, Traditions, Business Cultures
  • Proper Management of Hierarchy and Status
  • Enhancing Commitment to Agreements and Deadlines
  • Business Etiquette: Making a Good Impression from the Start
  • Deciphering Secret Codes: How Much "No" is in a "Yes"
  • Successful Negotiations in Asia - Strategies, Tips, Solutions

Who should attend
  • Managing Directors,
  • Heads of Departments and Divisions,
  • Managers, Consultants and Experts,
  • Project Managers and Team Leaders,
who wish to engage confidently with Asian business partners.
Aims and objectives
Engaging in business across Asia - whether in China, Japan, India, or Southeast Asia - demands more than technical expertise. It requires a deep understanding of cultural nuances and the unique characteristics of the Asian business landscape, along with suitable strategies.

This online training will give you in-depth insights into Asian work and negotiation styles. You will learn to interpret subtle cues, navigate hierarchical dynamics, avoid misunderstandings, and cultivate lasting business relationships.

With comprehensive insider knowledge, practical exercises, and guidance on best practices, you will confidently address cultural challenges and develop tailored strategies for your business in Asia - efficiently and profitably!
Your benefit

Your benefits at a glance

  • Gain valuable insights into Asian values, traditions, and business cultures.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of Asian work practices, decision-making processes and business ideals.
  • Learn practical tips efficient meetings and reaching binding agreements.
  • Make a positive first impression through appropriate business etiquette.
  • Communicate effectively with Asian partners in a culturally sensitive manner.
  • Improve your negotiation skills within the Asian context using proven techniques.

25096054 Business Know-how Asia

Business Know-how Asia

Prepared to work effectively with Asian business contacts

  • Valuable insider insights into the Asian business world
  • Top expert with profound insider knowledge
  • Tips and tools for your practical cases
  • Officially certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 210

Webcode 25096054

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from 09:00 to 17:00 CET including breaks

from 09:00 to 17:00 CET including breaks




Ihre Kontaktperson

Patrik Haffner
Konferenzmanager Metakompetenzentwicklung

+49 6221 500-871


In this hands-on seminar, you will discover the unique working methods and communication styles of Asian cultures to improve your intercultural skills and build stronger connections with your Asian business partners!


  • Understanding Asia: Values, Traditions, Business Cultures
  • Proper Management of Hierarchy and Status
  • Enhancing Commitment to Agreements and Deadlines
  • Business Etiquette: Making a Good Impression from the Start
  • Deciphering Secret Codes: How Much "No" is in a "Yes"
  • Successful Negotiations in Asia - Strategies, Tips, Solutions

Who should attend
  • Managing Directors,
  • Heads of Departments and Divisions,
  • Managers, Consultants and Experts,
  • Project Managers and Team Leaders,
who wish to engage confidently with Asian business partners.

Aims and objectives

Engaging in business across Asia - whether in China, Japan, India, or Southeast Asia - demands more than technical expertise. It requires a deep understanding of cultural nuances and the unique characteristics of the Asian business landscape, along with suitable strategies.

This online training will give you in-depth insights into Asian work and negotiation styles. You will learn to interpret subtle cues, navigate hierarchical dynamics, avoid misunderstandings, and cultivate lasting business relationships.

With comprehensive insider knowledge, practical exercises, and guidance on best practices, you will confidently address cultural challenges and develop tailored strategies for your business in Asia - efficiently and profitably!

Your benefit

Your benefits at a glance

  • Gain valuable insights into Asian values, traditions, and business cultures.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of Asian work practices, decision-making processes and business ideals.
  • Learn practical tips efficient meetings and reaching binding agreements.
  • Make a positive first impression through appropriate business etiquette.
  • Communicate effectively with Asian partners in a culturally sensitive manner.
  • Improve your negotiation skills within the Asian context using proven techniques.

Detailed programme

from 09:00 to 17:00 CET including breaks

Asian Cultures in the 21st Century
  • Insights into the history, traditions, and values of Asian countries
  • Diversity and unique aspects of regional business cultures
  • The impact of modern developments on traditions and values in Asia

East Meets West - Understanding Cultural Differences
  • The importance of hierarchy and status in Asian business life
  • Time works differently: Managing deadlines and appointments effectively
  • Indirect vs. direct communication - how much "No" is in a "Yes"?
  • Between collectivism and individuality: Where do the differences lie?

Mastering Business Etiquette in Asia
  • Greetings, small talk & courtesy rules - making a good impression from the start
  • Dining etiquette at business events - Do’s and Don’ts
  • Colors and appropriate gifts: Small details that make a big impact

Effective Communication with Asian Business Partners
  • Minimizing misunderstandings: Interpreting non-verbal signals correctly
  • Conflict prevention strategies - maintaining diplomacy in challenging situations
  • Using visual language and metaphors for persuasion
  • Straight talk vs. diplomacy: Strategies for context-appropriate communication

Successful Negotiation in Asia
  • Asian negotiation strategies and decision-making processes
  • Typical tactics and culturally influenced approaches
  • Practical tips and personalized solutions for your specific cases

Further information

Your schedule for both days

  • 09:00 - 12:30 Seminar time incl. short breaks
  • 12:30 - 13:30 Lunch break
  • 13:30 - 17:00 Seminar time incl. short breaks

LIVE online seminar - this is how it works

The event takes place live and interactively via our Learning Space, in which the Zoom application is integrated (no software installation required!)

Access data and login

You log in to the customer portal at https://members.forum-institut.com/login with your user name (e-mail address) and password. Please ensure that you have access to the customer portal before the day of the event. On the day of the event, you can start your online training in the customer portal directly in the respective event by clicking on the "Participate" button.

Documentation, work documents and certificate

The documentation for the event and any additional working documents for downloading and/or printing are available for you in the Learning Space no later than one day before the start of the training. Some seminars are followed by additional documents (workshop results, etc.). You will also find these in our Learning Space together with your certificate after your participation.

Technology needed

  • We recommend the latest version of the Microsoft Edge browser. Google Chrome is also possible for Windows users.
  • You need a stable internet connection. Please do not use a VPN connection.
Please check in advance whether your microphone or headset and camera are working.

Technical support

If you experience any difficulties when logging in to your online training, please contact our technical support team on 06221 500-535.

PreMeeting & Technical Test

Get to know our Learning Space and gain confidence: You can take part in one of our PreMeetings free of charge, registration is not required. You can find the dates and access data for our PreMeetings in your customer account. It is a non-binding offer for all customers and not a prerequisite for your participation. If no PreMeeting date suits you, but you would like a technical check in advance, please contact us.

In-house training courses - face-to-face and online

Many companies benefit from our first-class in-house training courses - tailored to the needs of our customers in terms of duration and focus. We would be happy to provide you with an offer and advise you personally.

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