2025-03-13 2025-03-13 , , 1,990 € zzgl. MwSt. Dr. Ralf Sanzenbacher https://www.forum-institut.de/seminar/25032470-all-about-atmp/referenten/25/25_03/25032470-online-course-pharma-all-about-atmp_sanzenbacher-ralf.jpg All about ATMP

The online seminar with details on development, quality, CMC, approval and market access (including an update on the upcoming EU HTA) for advanced therapy medicinal products. Qualifiy now!

  • From blood, tissues & cells to ATMP
  • GMP and Module 3 requirements for ATMPs
  • Requirements for clinical and non-clinical development
  • Classification of ATMPs
  • Hospital exemption vs. central approval process
  • Early benefit evaluation, including an update on the upcoming EU HTA (focus in general on Germany)

Who should attend
This seminar is aimed at specialists and managers in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry who work with gene-, cell- and tissue-based products or plan to do so in the future.

The aim is to impart ‘basic knowledge’ for beginners in the field.
Aims and objectives
During this seminar, you will learn to master the challenges from development to approval to market access of an ATMP. After the seminar, you will know which GMP regulations must be included for ATMPs as part of product development. You will be familiar with the requirements for clinical and non-clinical development too. In addition, you have been brought up to date with regard to the regulatory requirements for marketing authorization (national, EU). You know the individual steps in the central approval procedure and the requirements for hospital exemption. Last but not least, you have acquired the know-how to set the right course for benefit assessment and market access (including an update on the upcoming EU HTA; focus in general on Germany).
Your benefit

After participating in this online seminar you will be equipped with a tool box as well as practical tipps and hints to master

  • your clinical development including GMP-relevant aspects
  • the marketing autorisation process - requirements for the central approval procedure and hospital exemption
  • the market access strategy.

Online course pharma - All about ATMP

All about ATMP

- Online training -

  • Authority + industry position
  • A wide range of topics on two days
  • Examples for implementation in practice
  • Officially certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 21001

Webcode 25032470

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Day 1: 09:00 am - 5:00 pm
Day 2: 09:00 am - 5:30 pm
You may dial in 30 min before the training starts

Day 1: 09:00 am - 5:00 pm
Day 2: 09:00 am - 5:30 pm
You may dial in 30 min before the training starts

Your contact

Dr. Birgit Wessels
Conference Manager

+49 6221 500-652


The online seminar with details on development, quality, CMC, approval and market access (including an update on the upcoming EU HTA) for advanced therapy medicinal products. Qualifiy now!


  • From blood, tissues & cells to ATMP
  • GMP and Module 3 requirements for ATMPs
  • Requirements for clinical and non-clinical development
  • Classification of ATMPs
  • Hospital exemption vs. central approval process
  • Early benefit evaluation, including an update on the upcoming EU HTA (focus in general on Germany)

Who should attend
This seminar is aimed at specialists and managers in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry who work with gene-, cell- and tissue-based products or plan to do so in the future.

The aim is to impart ‘basic knowledge’ for beginners in the field.

Aims and objectives

During this seminar, you will learn to master the challenges from development to approval to market access of an ATMP. After the seminar, you will know which GMP regulations must be included for ATMPs as part of product development. You will be familiar with the requirements for clinical and non-clinical development too. In addition, you have been brought up to date with regard to the regulatory requirements for marketing authorization (national, EU). You know the individual steps in the central approval procedure and the requirements for hospital exemption. Last but not least, you have acquired the know-how to set the right course for benefit assessment and market access (including an update on the upcoming EU HTA; focus in general on Germany).

Your benefit

After participating in this online seminar you will be equipped with a tool box as well as practical tipps and hints to master

  • your clinical development including GMP-relevant aspects
  • the marketing autorisation process - requirements for the central approval procedure and hospital exemption
  • the market access strategy.

Detailed programme

Day 1: 09:00 am - 5:00 pm
Day 2: 09:00 am - 5:30 pm
You may dial in 30 min before the training starts

09:00 Opening and introduction


Dr Ralf Sanzenbacher

From blood, tissues & cells to ATMP
  • Overview on product classes, new developments, procedures, responsible authorities, and contact points

10:30 Coffee break


Dr Ralf Sanzenbacher

Product development and quality aspects
  • How to define the quality of an ATMP
  • GMP for ATMP


Dr Thorsten Meyer

Requirements for the non-clinical developement of ATMPs
  • Animal models for efficacy and toxicity testings
  • Determination of a secure starting dose and therapeutic dose

12:30 Lunch break


Dr Thorsten Meyer

Continuation: Requirements for the non-clinical development of ATMPs

14:45 Coffee break


Dr Ralf Sanzenbacher

German national aspects for development and authorisation
  • National procedures
  • Update on regulatory setting for clinical trials and on hospital exemption


Dr Ralf Sanzenbacher, Dr Thorsten Meyer

Interaction between companies and authorities
  • Do's and don't's from stakeholder and authority point of view

16:45 Q&As

17:00 End of seminar day 1


Jessica Cordes

Clinical aspects to be considered during ATMP development
  • Ethical and regulatory aspects
  • Clinical trial planning
  • Specifics for clinical trial implementation

11:00 Coffee break


Dr Sabrina Schmeckebier

Classification of ATMPs
  • Reflection paper on classification
  • Scientific recommendations
  • Experiences (CAT); product examples

12:00 Lunch break


Dr Sabrina Schmeckebier

Centralised authorisation procedure
  • Role of the CAT
  • The centralised authorization procedure of the EMA
  • The risk based approach for ATMPs
  • Special authorisation procedures


Dr Michael Jandke

Essential module 3 data for ATMPs
  • Critical quality data from pharmacutical development, characterisation, production, control strategy

15:30 Coffee break


Dr Willi Schnorpfeil

Early benefit evaluation for ATMPs (focus Germany)
  • AMNOG process
  • ATMPs and Orphan drugs
  • Application accompanying data collection
  • Results and experiences
  • Upcoming EU HTA

17:00 Concluding discussion

17:30 End of training course

More information

Optional online test/learning success control

After taking part in the seminar, you can take our online multiple-choice test.
This can be completed online up to 14 days after the event in order to document the acquired knowledge with a special certificate.
Taking the online test is optional. You will receive a certificate of participation regardless.

Benefits of a FORUM Institut training course

FORUM Institut’s all-in-one training platform uses the latest teaching methods.
All our online training courses take place in the Learning Space, our holistic learning environment with many features that promote effective and sustainable learning.

  • Live and interactive learning on our Learning Space training platform
  • A platform with many features: events rooms, chat, course agendas and documents, surveys, workshop rooms and much more
  • Easy surveys with Slido
  • ‘Deluxe’ chat: group chats, one-to-one chats, one-to-one video chats
  • A central repository for documents and media
  • Other services and apps such as Padlet and Mentimeter available directly on the platform
  • The perfect marriage of teaching methods and technology
  • High level of interactivity with plenty of opportunity for questions
  • Continuous support throughout the event to ensure the most effective learning
  • Free technical pre-meeting to start off your training on the right foot

Free pre-meeting and technology check

You can attend one of our pre-meetings and explore our Learning Space free of charge. Registration is not required. You can find available dates for a pre-meeting in your customer portal. Click the green ‘Participate’ button in the pre-meeting in the customer portal and you will be redirected to the Learning Space.

The pre-meeting gives you the opportunity to explore our Learning Space and to familiarise yourself with the technology to start off your online training on the right foot. This is a non-binding offer for all our customers and not a prerequisite for participation. If a pre-meeting date does not suit you but you would still like a technology check, please contact us.

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Teilnehmerstimmen aus Mai 2016
sehr informativ, gibt einen Überblick über ATMPS/Klassifizierung zu bekommen

Gut aufgearbeitet, keine Redundanz, sehr kompetente Referenten

Die Veranstaltung bietet einen guten Überblick.

Teilnehmerstimme aus Mai 2020
Ein sehr empfehlenswertes, hervorragendes Seminar, das einen exzellenten Gesamtüberblick zum Thema ATMPs gibt!