2024-07-03 2024-07-03 NH Prague City +420 257 153 435 NH Prague City Mozartova 261/1, 150 00 Prague Prague, 150 00 1,190 € zzgl. MwSt. Hélène Perier https://forum-institut.de/seminar/24128000-unlocking-investment-in-biodiversity-finance/referenten/24/24_12/24128000-biodiversity-finance_perier-hlne.jpg Unlocking Investment in Biodiversity Finance

In the face of constrained EU and national budgets, innovative funding is needed to support the implementation of biodiversity objectives. Be part of the conversation as we unravel the current challenges and explore solutions for financing biodiversity and our future.

  • International obligations and commitments
  • Financial obligations under the EU legal framework
  • Current challenges with financing biodiversity in Europe
  • The role of the private sector
  • Maximizing funding opportunities under future reviews of national and regional programmes

Who should attend
In addition to public officials in the ministries of environment, finance, and agriculture in all Member States, we welcome professionals engaged in biodiversity funding from:

  • managing authorities
  • intermediate bodies
  • joint secretariats
  • relevant EU agencies
  • representatives of local communities
  • private sector and non-governmental organizations
Aims and objectives
The finance gap in biodiversity is a pressing issue that needs to be promptly addressed. Budget constraints frequently restrict public funding allocated to biodiversity conservation, while private investments remain modest despite increasing interest in green finance. Due to inadequate financial support, public institutions often struggle to advance their biodiversity objectives.

This event aims to foster discussion and explore viable solutions to the current challenges in financing biodiversity conservation as required by EU and national legislation.
Your benefit

  • Discuss your challenges for implementing biodiversity objectives with EU experts
  • Explore and propose innovative solutions to address the finance gap
  • Network with colleagues across the EU to exchange best practices

24128000 Biodiversity finance

Unlocking Investment in Biodiversity Finance

  • Discuss your challenges for implementing biodiversity objectives with EU experts
  • Explore and propose innovative solutions to address the finance gap
  • Our events are ISO certified

Webcode 24128000

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9 am - 5 pm

9 am - 5 pm



Your contact

Dr. Viola Prifti
Conference Manager

+49 6221 500-660


In the face of constrained EU and national budgets, innovative funding is needed to support the implementation of biodiversity objectives. Be part of the conversation as we unravel the current challenges and explore solutions for financing biodiversity and our future.


  • International obligations and commitments
  • Financial obligations under the EU legal framework
  • Current challenges with financing biodiversity in Europe
  • The role of the private sector
  • Maximizing funding opportunities under future reviews of national and regional programmes

Who should attend
In addition to public officials in the ministries of environment, finance, and agriculture in all Member States, we welcome professionals engaged in biodiversity funding from:

  • managing authorities
  • intermediate bodies
  • joint secretariats
  • relevant EU agencies
  • representatives of local communities
  • private sector and non-governmental organizations

Aims and objectives

The finance gap in biodiversity is a pressing issue that needs to be promptly addressed. Budget constraints frequently restrict public funding allocated to biodiversity conservation, while private investments remain modest despite increasing interest in green finance. Due to inadequate financial support, public institutions often struggle to advance their biodiversity objectives.

This event aims to foster discussion and explore viable solutions to the current challenges in financing biodiversity conservation as required by EU and national legislation.

Your benefit

  • Discuss your challenges for implementing biodiversity objectives with EU experts
  • Explore and propose innovative solutions to address the finance gap
  • Network with colleagues across the EU to exchange best practices

Detailed programme

9 am - 5 pm

09:00 - 09:30

Welcome note and introduction of the participants
Welcome speech by Mr. Ladislav Miko

09:30 - 10:00

Biodiversity Finance: International obligations and commitments
  • Domestic Resource Mobilization Revision of the National Biodiversity Strategy
  • Biodiversity Harmful Subsidies
  • Green Budget

10:00 - 10:15

Time to ask questions and seek expert guidance

10:15 - 10:45

Financial obligations under the EU legal framework
  • Overview of EU and Member State expenditure
  • Consistency between funding schemes and environmental objectives
  • Recommendations

10:45 - 11:00

Time to ask questions and seek expert guidance

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 - 12:15

Challenges with financing biodiversity in the Member States. An example from the Czech Republic
  • Spending structure of protected area conservation financing in CZ
  • Financing needs of Natura 2000 and role of Prioritized Action Framework
  • Efforts on synergical role of different financing schemes and funding gaps

12:15 - 12:30

Time to ask questions and seek expert guidance

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 14:15

The role of the private sector
  • Commitments and pledges
  • How to mobilise private financing
  • Examples of best practices

14:15 - 14:30

Time to ask questions and seek expert guidance

14:30 - 16:30

Workshop "Funding opportunities in view of future reviews of national and regional programmes"
Member States present and discuss the implementation of Biodiversity Finance Plans, Prioritised Action Framework (PAF) and other national plans on biodiversity finance, underlining the difficulties and obstacles they face.

Participants discuss possible solutions and present concrete ways to address the successful uptake and efficient use of such financing.

16:30 - 16:45

Time to ask questions and seek expert guidance

16:30 - 17:00

Final discussion
  • Key learnings/Open questions

17:00 End of the seminar

More information

Join the Dinner

On 3 December, the day of the arrival, we will host a common dinner with both the speakers and the participants. Please, confirm your attendance in advance.

Why this seminar? Addressing the finance gap in biodiversity

Biodiversity often takes a backseat to more immediate economic issues in policy-making and budget allocations.While this observation may seem self-evident to some, it underscores a critical point: biodiversity is indispensable to all life forms. Human tendency often leans towards defering major issues in the hope that solutions will emerge, yet biodiversity conservation demands immediate attention far beyond what is commonly perceived. To advance biodiversity objectives, substantial financial resources are essential. Legal frameworks have been initiated at the EU level to address biodiversity concerns, but effective solutions must be accompanied by robust financial investments. Governments and public institutions are major contributors to biodiversity funding although budget constrains limit the amount allocated. Despite a growing interest in impact investing and green finance, private investment remains low.

A United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) study suggests that the annual global funding required for biodiversity conservation is around $150-$440 billion. However, current expenditure is estimated at around $50-80 billion per year, highlighting a substantial shortfall. This disparity between the funds needed to protect and restore biodiversity and the actual financial resources currently available for these efforts is commonly referred as the "finance gap in biodiversity". With this seminar, we aim to bring together all interested stakeholders and discuss solutions to address current challenges in Europe.

References :

1. United Nations Environment Programme (2021). State of Finance for Nature 2021. Nairobi. You can access the report here: https://www.unep.org/resources/state-finance-nature-2021
2. European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment, EU biodiversity strategy for 2030. Bringing nature back into our lives, Publications Office of the European Union, 2021, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2779/677548

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