2025-02-09 2025-02-09 , online online, 720 € zzgl. MwSt. Dr. Lars Hinrichs, LL.M. https://forum-institut.de/seminar/25063010-supervisory-board-members-in-german-financial-institutions/referenten/25/25_06/25063010-supervisory-board-members-in-german-financial-institutions_hinrichs,-llm-lars.jpg Supervisory Board Members in German Financial Institutions

Our experienced speakers will help you prepare for all the challenges that supervisory boards face.

  • Regulatory framework for financial institutions
  • Responsibilities, duties of members of supervisory board
  • Fit&Proper - Regulatory requirements on experience, (collective) suitability, reputation and independence
  • Liability Framework and Business/Legal Judgement Rule
  • Collaboration with the mangement board members and external stakeholders
  • Current regulatory developments/Selected relevant legal regulations

Who should attend
This seminar is intended for current and prospective members of supervisory boards, senior executives, compliance officers, and corporate governance professionals as well as supervisory or management board assistents.
Aims and objectives
The aim of this seminar is to provide an in-depth understanding of the requirements for supervisory board members in German banks and financial services institutions. The participation will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess and ensure that board members meet the regulatory standards of competence, integrity, and suitability. The seminar will also highlight best practices for governance, compliance, and risk management in the context of supervisory board duties and effective collaboration with the management board. "Management Board Members in German Financial Institutions" will take place on the same day from 9:00 am to 12.30 pm. Both trainings can be booked together or seperately.
Your benefit

  • This online seminar provides you with a comprehensive overview of the activities of the supervisory board.
You will gain insights into possible practical challenges as well as efficient and regulatory-compliant solutions.
You will receive a training certificate.
  • Poll results 11/24: Documentation: 5 stars out of 5!, Organisation, support: 5 stars!, Content: 4 stars!, Speakers 4.5 to 5 stars!

Fit&Proper - Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board Members in German Financial Institutions

  • Answers to your questions
  • Comprehensive eDocumentation
  • Also available for individual purchase
  • Poll rsult 11/24: Speakers 4,75 stars, documentation 5 stars!

Webcode 25063010

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von 13:30 bis 17:00 Uhr

von 13:30 bis 17:00 Uhr



Ihre Kontaktperson

Carmen Fürst-Grüner
Bereichsleiterin Financial Services

+49 6221 500-860


Our experienced speakers will help you prepare for all the challenges that supervisory boards face.


  • Regulatory framework for financial institutions
  • Responsibilities, duties of members of supervisory board
  • Fit&Proper - Regulatory requirements on experience, (collective) suitability, reputation and independence
  • Liability Framework and Business/Legal Judgement Rule
  • Collaboration with the mangement board members and external stakeholders
  • Current regulatory developments/Selected relevant legal regulations

Who should attend
This seminar is intended for current and prospective members of supervisory boards, senior executives, compliance officers, and corporate governance professionals as well as supervisory or management board assistents.

Aims and objectives

The aim of this seminar is to provide an in-depth understanding of the requirements for supervisory board members in German banks and financial services institutions. The participation will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess and ensure that board members meet the regulatory standards of competence, integrity, and suitability. The seminar will also highlight best practices for governance, compliance, and risk management in the context of supervisory board duties and effective collaboration with the management board. "Management Board Members in German Financial Institutions" will take place on the same day from 9:00 am to 12.30 pm. Both trainings can be booked together or seperately.

Your benefit

  • This online seminar provides you with a comprehensive overview of the activities of the supervisory board.
You will gain insights into possible practical challenges as well as efficient and regulatory-compliant solutions.
You will receive a training certificate.
  • Poll results 11/24: Documentation: 5 stars out of 5!, Organisation, support: 5 stars!, Content: 4 stars!, Speakers 4.5 to 5 stars!

Detailed programme

von 13:30 bis 17:00 Uhr

13:30 Get online together

13:40 - 14:40

Dr. Lars Hinrichs, LL.M., Dr. Volker Schulenburg

Liability Framework
  • Legal rules and legal principles
  • Tasks and Responsibilities, Business
  • Judgement Rule (BJR) and Legal Judgement Rule (LJR

14:40 - 15:30

Dr. Lars Hinrichs, LL.M., Dr. Volker Schulenburg

Fit & Proper: Regulatory Requirements and Legal Consequence

15:45 - 16:15

Dr. Lars Hinrichs, LL.M., Dr. Volker Schulenburg

Collaboration with management board and external stakeholders

16:15 - 16:30

Dr. Lars Hinrichs, LL.M., Dr. Volker Schulenburg

Remuneration of management board members in institutions

16:30 - 17:00

Dr. Lars Hinrichs, LL.M., Dr. Volker Schulenburg

Selected relevant legal regulations

17:00 approx. end of the seminar

Further information

LIVE online seminar - how it works

The event takes place live and interactively via our Learning Space, in which the Zoom application is integrated (no software installation required!)

No ZOOM authorisation?

Please contact us, we will be happy to offer you alternatives for participating in our online seminar.

Access data and dialling in

You can log in to the customer portal with your user name (e-mail address) and password. Please ensure that you have access to the customer portal before the day of the event. On the day of the event, you can start your online training in the customer portal directly in the respective event by clicking the 'Participate' button.

Documentation, working documents and certificate

The documentation for the event and any additional working documents for printing out are available for you in the customer portal at the latest one day before the start of the training course. For some seminars, additional documents will follow afterwards (workshop results, etc.). You will find these after your participation in your customer account together with your certificate.

Required technology

  • We recommend the latest version of the Microsoft Edge browser. Google Chrome is also possible for Windows users.
  • You need a stable internet connection. Please do not use a VPN connection.
  • Please check in advance whether your microphone or headset and camera are working.

Technical support

If you experience any difficulties when dialling in to your online training course, please contact our technical support team on the following telephone number: 00496221 500-535

PreMeeting & technical test

Get to know our Learning Space and gain confidence: You can take part in one of our PreMeetings free of charge, registration is not required. You can find the dates and access details for our PreMeetings in your customer account. It is a non-binding offer for all customers and not a prerequisite for your participation. If no PreMeeting date suits you, but you would like a technical check in advance, please contact us.

Sustainability initiative

Would you like to receive our newsletter and/or information by e-mail? Write to k.schlegel@forum-institut.de stating your main topics.

Access and procedure for online events

After registering for an event, you will receive the access data for your customer portal from us. You can log in to the customer portal using your e-mail address and password. Please ensure that you have access to the customer portal before the day of the event. You will find all important/additional information and personal documents in your customer portal. You can also start your online seminars from there. If you do not yet have access to the customer portal, you can easily register . On the day of the event, you can start your online training in the customer portal by clicking the 'Participate' button in the relevant event and you will be forwarded directly to the Learning Space. Further information on our online events can be found here: Online training courses (forum-institut.de)

This distinguishes our events

of 5 stars of all ratings from 2024

of 5 stars on Trustpilot = good



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Go forward

Fit&Proper - Management Board members in German banks

You can find the other event from this module here.

Fit&Proper - Management Board members in German banks
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