2024-07-22 2024-07-22 , online online, 1,250 € zzgl. MwSt. Daniel Xavier Thomas https://forum-institut.de/seminar/24091131-epo-case-law-update/referenten/24/24_09/24091131-course-epo-case-law-update_thomas-daniel-xavier.jpg EPO Case-Law Update

Update for patent practitioners & EQE candidates: Each year the boards of appeal of the European Patent Office hand down more than 2000 decisions. These decisions set the standard for interpreting and applying the European Patent Convention (EPC).

The contents of your online course
  • Enlarged Board of Appeal: decisions, pending cases and petitions for review
  • Decisions on procedural aspects
  • Decisions on substantive aspects including decisions on computer-implemented inventions and pharma/biotech inventions
  • Report period 2023 - 2024

Who should attend
Do you work in a corporate patent/IP department or as a patent attorney in private practice? Do you need to be up to date on EPO case-law?

Then this update online course is designed for you. Knowledge of patents is assumed. This online course is also useful to advanced EQE candidates.
The objectives of your online course
The decisions of the Boards of Appeal (BoA) of the EPO set the standard for interpreting and applying the EPC. It is therefore vital for practitioners to keep up to date with the latest developments of the jurisprudence of the BoA. The most important published and unpublished decisions of the BoA will be presented. The panelists will discuss, in particular, the consequences of these decisions on patent practice, in particular with respect to the basis of the appeal proceedings and the admittance of late filed submissions (new requests, prior art and arguments).
Your benefit

  • You will get a digest of the most important decisions.
  • You will be able to discuss these discussions with the speakers and the other participants.
  • You will know the impact of those decisions on patent practice.

Course - EPO Case-Law Update

EPO Case-Law Update

Recent decisions of the Boards of Appeal

  • Learn from the experts
  • The essentials in only one day
  • Practical expertise

Webcode 24091131

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09:00 - 17:00 CET

09:00 - 17:00 CET



Your contact

Jean-Claude Alexandre Ho, LL.M.
Lawyer, Conference Manager

+49 6221 500-675


Update for patent practitioners & EQE candidates: Each year the boards of appeal of the European Patent Office hand down more than 2000 decisions. These decisions set the standard for interpreting and applying the European Patent Convention (EPC).

The contents of your online course

  • Enlarged Board of Appeal: decisions, pending cases and petitions for review
  • Decisions on procedural aspects
  • Decisions on substantive aspects including decisions on computer-implemented inventions and pharma/biotech inventions
  • Report period 2023 - 2024

Who should attend
Do you work in a corporate patent/IP department or as a patent attorney in private practice? Do you need to be up to date on EPO case-law?

Then this update online course is designed for you. Knowledge of patents is assumed. This online course is also useful to advanced EQE candidates.

The objectives of your online course

The decisions of the Boards of Appeal (BoA) of the EPO set the standard for interpreting and applying the EPC. It is therefore vital for practitioners to keep up to date with the latest developments of the jurisprudence of the BoA. The most important published and unpublished decisions of the BoA will be presented. The panelists will discuss, in particular, the consequences of these decisions on patent practice, in particular with respect to the basis of the appeal proceedings and the admittance of late filed submissions (new requests, prior art and arguments).

Your benefit

  • You will get a digest of the most important decisions.
  • You will be able to discuss these discussions with the speakers and the other participants.
  • You will know the impact of those decisions on patent practice.

Detailed programme

09:00 - 17:00 CET

Decisions of the Enlarged Board of Appeal
  • Plausibility (G 2/21), incl. applying decisions
  • Entitlement to priority (G 1/22, G 2/22), incl. applying decisions
  • Pending referrals: G 1/23 "Solar cell"
  • Petitions for review

Procedural aspects
  • Exercise of discretion by departments of first Instance
  • Late submissions
    • Deletion of claims
    • Combination of claims
    • Influence of the RPBA on the application of former decisions of the EBA/TBA
    • Obligations of the parties with respect of Auxiliary requests not examined in first instance
  • Oral Proceedings
    • Form of oral proceedings
    • Request for adjournment
    • Correction of the minutes
    • Reimbursement of part of the appeal fee in the absence of Oral Proceedings
  • Substantial procedural violation

Substantive aspects
  • Application of Art 69 in procedures before the EPO
  • Sufficiency
    • One way vs. over the whole scope
  • Clarity
    • Adaptation of the description
  • Added subject-matter
    • Selection from lists
    • Correction of errors under R 139
  • Extension of the scope of protection
  • Novelty
  • Inventive step
    • Determination of the closest prior art
    • Mix of technical and non-technical features
    • Common general knowledge

This distinguishes our events

of 5 stars of all ratings from 2023

of 5 stars on Trustpilot = good


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Interactive, very open presenters.

Paul Janssen, Director

Intervet International BV, Boxmeer (The Netherlands)

Good addressed content and comprehensive overview.

Ian Tollett, European Patent Attorney

Williams Powell, London (UK)

Relevant cases had been selected for discussion.

Jussi Jaatinen, European Patent Attorney

Seppo Laine Oy, Helsinki (Finland)

The decisions closely relate to the practical work.

Louise M. Niclasen, IP Engineer

AAK AB, Malmö (Sweden)